On the importance of web performance and how it affects SEO and customer conversion. It is not only that the page speed (the time it takes to load the entire content of a web) is important to Google when positioning a website, the speed of a website is also very important to user experience. This …
(Català) No sempre necessites una web multipàgines. Et presento la Web de Pàgina Única, una solució per als petits negocis amb molta personalitat.
Andrew Jefford, renowned writer and weekly columnist in the wine magazine Decanter Extracted from his article: Wasted Opportunities It’s taken some time to sink in, but I think almost every wine enterprise around the world now realises that its website is the principal way it talks to the world. That doesn’t mean that every great …
And by limp, I’m not suggesting you get frisky with your clients in an attempt to earn their satisfaction – don’t do that. Let’s be honest, we’ve started to settle. We’ve started to settle for substandard customer service, we’ve become conditioned to expect it and even more alarmingly, we accept it too. The bar is …