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Single Web Page might be your solution

Single Web Page might be your solution

In Sokvist we are in favor of seeking the solution that best fits the customer’s needs. They might not always need a complex web, or sometimes they want a simple web but showing a lot of content.

Lately we found that, increasingly, micro and small companies with limited production and a very specific product for special and small niche, choose to have a professional website, with a very personal design, to mark the character of the brand. Until recently, the tendency was to think that “as the production is very limited, it is not necessary that we spend a lot on a website, after all, we will sell the products through other channels“.

But this has changed!

  • products might be sold through other channels, but the brand… The brand is searched, is seen and analysed in… THE NET, that is: the internet, the computer, the mobile…
  • no matter how small is the company, no matter how limited is the production, if you are sure yours is not a “commodity” product, if you want to make understand the personality of your brand, you know you have to invest in design and have a coherent web with the exclusivity of your product.

If you have a small company, a very clear message, few products… Do you need a 7 pages website?

If you give some thought to it, the most important thing in a website is (in terms of effectiveness and usability):

  • make the message very clear (so that visitors quickly understand what the business is about)
  • quickly giving access to the products/services that are selling
  • when it is a shop where you can make transactions: that you can buy in 3 clicks at most
  • that you can be easily be contacted (by land, sea or air). Forget having only a contact form without any other information, you’re missing half the customers.

Today, we have many ways to find information about a company and get an idea of who is behind that product/service we want to buy. We can subscribe to the blog, or newsletters, or follow them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, read reviews from other users… Surely, before buying, we have already researched a bit and have tried to get information on blogs, forums, etc.

Scrolling Web Page or Single Web Page, heard this before?

If the time we remain on a website is about 3 minutes average (with a lot of luck)… Do we need an oversized web with multiple pages…? It depends.

My opinion and experience is that, in small businesses or shops with few products, it is better to make a usable, accurate, concise and effective website, and leave the “deep” information to generate blog content. When you want to show who you really are, what you do, how carefully you do it…, write it on the blog. Those visitors who have time and want to know more about you will go there.

For those who want information quickly, Scrolling Webs, or Single Web Page are the ideal format:

  • Navigation is straightforward,
  • it is impossible to get lost because there is only one page and, above all,
  • if we are using a mobile device, navigation becomes a lot more enjoyable and easy thanks to scrolling (swiping with your finger…).

And, yes, a Single Page also supports an e-shop!

Look a some examples:

BOLDKING. A Company producing razors. The web is a single page with all the “benefits”: has CTA (call-to-action), animations, shop, different access to the shop (by means of the CTA), online chat, 5 languages and all the information you may need to convince you their razors are very special… and they make it easy for you to buy them.

Exemple web pagina unica - boldking

KOA. this is a company that produces healthy refreshments. His web is a single page and there you have all the information to know how good their products are, buy them right away, or find their outlets.

Exemple web pagina unica- koa

INGRAM COLE & LAND. Who said the website of processing agency is boring? On their website you will know all the services they offer, you will see who they are, what they do, where they are located, how their work environment is and you can also subscribe to their newsletters… All in one single page.

Exemple web pagina unica-ingram

I think by now you’ve got an idea of what a Single Page is.

Our top class Single Page is Vins de Postal, of Espolla Wineries.

Web de Pagina Unica - Vins de Postal - Sokvist

DOES IT FIT WITH YOUR BUSINESS A WEBSITE LIKE THIS? Consider it. And welcome to the web trend of 2016.

Request a quotation here.


  • Totalment d’acord. Sóc molt fan de les singlepages, hi veig molts avantatges. Però oju amb no carregar-les massa d’imatges i alentir excessivament el temps de carrega. Ja sabem que a internet la gent no té espera.

    • Gràcies pel teu comentari Quirze Martí. Un punt molt interessant a tenir en compte.

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